Study Five

Women and the Children in their Lives - biological and spiritual

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Caroline Litchfield, Di Lucas, Heather Chaplin, Lauren Dewhurst and Nicky Fortescue


1) List some of the positive and negative views our culture has about motherhood. How might these views influence how women in the church think about motherhood?

Our God-created biological differences from men show that bearing children is a significant part of being a woman—one of the ways a woman is a ‘helper’ to man, fulfilling God’s command to “fill the earth” (Gen. 1-2).

In God’s eyes, motherhood is essential and wonderful. But it is also very much affected by the fall. Women now know pain in childbearing (Gen. 3:16), which likely includes the whole process of child rearing—childbirth itself, as well as the physical exhaustion and emotional roller-coaster of parenthood.

But in Christ, as with all aspects of our humanity, motherhood can be redeemed (bought back) and— despite the hardship and pain—be used beautifully and powerfully in God’s purposes.


Read Titus 2:3-5.

2) From this passage, what kind of character is needed for fulfilling the role of wife, mother and homemaker, so that all can see how attractive it is to live God’s way?

Read Proverbs 31:10-31.

3) How does this wife seek to fulfil her role as a mother?

a. What kinds of things might her children learn from her?

b. How do you think her relationship with the Lord underpins all she does?

Mothers who don’t have paid employment outside the home sometimes describe themselves as ‘just a mum’.

4) How can understanding God’s view of the role of motherhood give these mothers a different perspective?

Some mothers need to work full-time outside the home just to make ends meet.

5) Where a mother has the choice to work outside the home, what principles and priorities should guide her decision?


Read Ephesians 6:1-4.

6) What is the primary responsibility of parents, and how do they do this?

7) What do the following passages (see table) teach us about how or why parents are to teach their children about the Lord, with the support and help of grandparents, aunties, uncles, godparents, ‘parents’ in the faith, kids and youth leaders?

How we teach our children

Deut. 6:4-9

Deut. 6:20-21

Ps. 145:4-7


Why we teach our children

Prov. 6:20-22

Prov. 14:26

2 Tim. 1:5; 3:14-15

8) Share some practical ideas for teaching the Bible to children and training them in godly living, whether it’s in the day-to-day rhythms of parenting or through the opportunities that arise for grandparents, ‘parents’ in the faith and others.