A Three Part Study

Romans 8:
a Beautiful Hope



Romans 8 is an amazing chapter about the beautiful hope we have in Jesus Christ. It is personal, global and certain.

These three studies are designed to follow the sermons by David Robertson as part of Share Life 2020. Each study begins by recounting the major question of the sermon, followed by a time of thanksgiving. There may be encouraging stories to share, or lessons from Romans 8 that inspire thanks and praise.


How To


The purpose of these studies is not to recount the sermon from Sunday, but to delve deeply into the sermon text and search out the answers directly from God. The passages are rich with content, and the opportunity is to search and find beauty in all the different parts. That is why each study begins with a very broad question: “what stands out to you from the passage?” From there we deep dive into the text, until coming back up to “reflect” on how the text land in the experiences of everyday life. 

Each study finishes with an opportunity to answer the question of the sermon ourselves. But instead of simply preaching it to ourselves, we are asked to consider how to explain this to our friends and family. With that in mind, and in keeping with the goal of Share Life, our final prayers are not simply for the members of the group, but also for the wider world.


Romans 8:1-17—Personal Hope


Romans 8:18-27—Hope for the Planet


Romans 8:28-39—Secure Hope