The Gospel of John
John’s gospel is openly evangelistic. The apostle wrote it to provide the grounds for belief in Jesus: But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name (John 20:31).
Recommended Resources
The Gospel According to John (Pillar NT Commentary) → D. A. Carson
John (Read Mark Learn) → William Taylor/St Helen’s Bishopsgate
The Message of John (Bible Speaks Today) → Bruce Milne
Video Overviews
John 1-12 → The Bible Project
John 13-21 → The Bible Project
Week of Prayer
Sun 11 August to Sat 17 August 2024
Talking with our creator
Our new Maturity Director, Gerard O’Brien, introduces the Week of Prayer for Mission
Ready to Pray?
Further encouragement to pray, with extra teaching about prayer in the Gospel of John and what it means to have a joyful and fruitful prayer life.
What did Jesus mean when he said, “ask and receive and your joy will be complete”? (filmed in 2023)
Share Life x Growth Groups
Resources to help your group be Mission-Minded
Growth Groups are a great place to encourage each other in mission-mindedness. Instead of feeling stuck or laying on the guilt, you can use the resources below to generate conversation and increase joy & confidence.