Pray that the Father would reveal himself, his power and role in creation through his word.
To Start
Read the Apostles’ Creed individually or aloud together.
Share any particular reflections on Sunday’s sermon
In this study, we’ll focus on God’s power and creative work, then his role as Father.
In the Creed we affirm that God the Father is ‘almighty, the maker of heaven and earth’. In the ancient world, people believed in multiple gods and spiritual forces with authority over different parts of the heavens and the earth. These were generally fickle gods who could not be trusted in their interaction with people. Worldly empires and rulers tried to appease and use them for their own conquests.
In the modern world, we tend to focus on the material world and the supposedly blind forces of nature. And throughout human history, we have stood in awe and fear of human power measured by political, military and financial might.
What does Genesis 1:1-5 reveal about God’s power and creation?
What does Isaiah 40:9-31 reveal about God’s power and character as creator, especially in regard to other authorities? How should we relate to him?
When you hear that this almighty God and Creator is ‘Father’, what does that say about him and what questions naturally arise?
While God’s almighty power is clear from the opening verses of Genesis, the revelation of God as ‘Father’ is gradual in the Old Testament.
What do the following passages reveal about the fatherhood of God?
Exodus 4:21-23
Deuteronomy 32:3-6
Hosea 11:1-4
God as Father comes into clearest focus with the arrival of Jesus, his Son. Later, when we focus on the Holy Spirit, we’ll see that we cannot understand the Father or the Son in isolation. They can only be seen and heard properly when understood in relationship with each other. In John 1:18 we are told: “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known”.
What does the Son reveal about his Father in these passages?
John 5:16-23 (after Jesus heals the paralytic on the Sabbath)
John 14:1-10
Jesus not only reveals the Father, but teaches his followers how to approach and worship him as our Father.
According to Luke 11:1-13, how should we approach the Father?
Consider the wonderful fact that, for most of history, only the Son called God ‘Father’. Now we can! This intimacy and confidence is possible only because of the Spirit’s work within us.
According to Romans 8:15-17, what is our new status before God when we trust in Christ?
Share one thing from the study that stood out to you about God our Father from the study.
After prayer, read the Creed together (if you didn’t at the start).