Song of Songs
The Song of Songs is beautiful poetry that delicately depicts the love, praise and mutual enjoyment (especially sexual enjoyment) of a young married couple. It’s set in contrast to the depersonalised and dehumanising polygamy of Solomon. It celebrates the God-given gift of the love between a man and a woman, while also warning of its overwhelming strength - a pointer to the overwhelming love of God.
Recommended Resources
Song of Solomon (Matthias Bible Guides) → Kamina Wüst
Song of Songs (Word Biblical Old Testament) → Duane Garrett
The Message of Song of Songs (Bible Speaks Today) → Tom Gledhill
The Song of Solomon (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries) → G. Lloyd Carr
Online resources
Song of Songs: The Bible Explained → Spoken Gospel
This is an excellent video overview of Song of Songs
Song of Songs Summary: A Complete Animated Overview → BibleProject
Knowing the Bible: Song of Solomon → The Gospel Coalition
This would be great to engage with in your personal Bible reading while we study the Song this term
Care resources
Sally Sims has helpfully compiled these care resources as we cover some very sensitive topics in the Song of Songs this term.
(This .pdf also includes the commentaries and online resources listed above)